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big moments going down today… May 17, 2011

Posted by jonesgurl in baby's first birthday, children.
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anyhoo, really fun day. nope, not because i was going to the oprah show finale spectacular at the united center, that pales in comparison to lady bug turning ONE.  she had cake for the first time and she hardly even ate the frosting or the cake.  is this my child?  i am a buttercream frosting loving fool.  so, she blew out her first candle, had a special birthday lunch and was smooched and hugged and loved continuously.  i had an oops with her cupcake, ugh

the day of partying started with this… 

her very first cake and candle


opening presents from her tia




singing happy birthday

and ended with this…
our tickets to party with 13,000 plus people for the big O
yay me! i got tickets to the oprah show finale thingama PARTAY spectacular fest to beat all fest! it was a tough call.  do i spend the entire day handing out with lady bug for her first birthday and go to the show that night?  i seriously pondered this and mother’s guilt was kicking my butt!  reluctantly and happily, full of excitement and full of guilt, ready to party with lady bug and ready to party with oprah…what to do what to do. baby in one hand, tickets in the other. so, with tickets in hand, we made our way to the show, but not until after her birthday lunch.  i mean really, if she could talk she would tell me to go, right?  teehee.  it was a blast, by the way.  my best friend and i went and it was totally one of our full circle moments.  when i first moved here i got tickets to the oprah show and she and i went.    now fast forward 10 years later and we are going again to the finale spectacular show taping. what? so fun! and i almost didn’t get tickets.  i sent in a request for tickets and they sent a reply back letting me know that a gazillion people made requests and i would not be in the house for the party.  and a couple days later they sent another email stating there may be a possibility if i reply asap.  i replied asap and the rest is history.  yet another full circle moment with my best friend.  and another adventure me-thelma and her-louise.  tee hee
exhaustion has set in and i am now sick. ugh.  by the way, she didn’t miss me much because she fell asleep within a couple of hours.

go, go, go,go, go, go, go baby, it’s your birthday… May 17, 2011

Posted by jonesgurl in Uncategorized.
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tiny but mighty!

today my lady bug turns ONE!!!  i can’t hardly stand it…i’m so excited.  we made it to/through one full year.  can’t wait for her to wake up so i can sing to her!!!

mommy’s day… May 13, 2011

Posted by jonesgurl in Uncategorized.
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hope your mommy’s day was good!

let’s see…i ate a full bag of chips (lays – natural, lightly salted) a must have in a cravings time of need. not my normal craving, but it was the first thing i grabbed as we were zooming through the aisles at the market.   no looking at me in that tone of voice, i missed breakfast and lunch and i had to work hard all morning.  tee hee

for most of the day, i hung out with my two best buddies (lady bug and the dude) and chilled in the back yard while dinner (grilled salmon, grilled chicken breast, grilled potatoes and carrots, grilled corn on the cob) was being grilled.  did i mention that the food was grilled?  tasteeeeee

anyhoo, as i relaxed in the tall grass of my back yard and took in the sun, i could have napped for quite some time.  by the way, tall grass is not the look we’re going for, but seeing that i refuse to fire up the lawn mower…for right now at least 

so, i only have a picture with the munchkin.  the “dude” was too busy watching movies to get in on snap shots. 

grilled food, sitting in the tall grass and hanging out with my favorite peeps.  what was even more fun was how much sweet boy kept giving me hugs (really big hugs) all day.  he said he had to make me feel extra special.  in sunday school he made a cute little flower pot and wrote a message of words that were supposed to be descriptive…of me.  his words:  cute and the other side says sexy and it had a little scripture attached to it.  hmmmmm.  i was quite surprised at how observant his choice of adjectives. but who am i to argue with him.  teehee

a gift from the “dude”


dang, girl…where have you been? May 1, 2011

Posted by jonesgurl in Uncategorized.
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okay, so i’ve been… not writing. OBVIOUSLY.  actually, i HAVE been writing (in my head).  i’ve been homeschooling.  i’ve been taking care of a new baby.  i’ve been walking around half asleep.  i’ve been a little bit tired.  i’ve been keeping up with my husband’s in town and out-of-town work schedule.  i’ve been washing dishes and doing laundry. i’ve been singing.   i’ve been driving.  i’ve been out of town a little here and a little there.  i’ve been working on something really really really really cool.  i’ve been consumed with all that gives me energy and drains me all at the same time.  i’ve been doing what i’ve gotta do.  that list of what i’ve been doing seems small, however, it involves lots of details  details  details.

don’t cry for me argentina because it’s a mixed bag of the joys, the highs, the scary, the mundane, the mending, the healing, the miracles and so on and so forth.  to simply put it…i’ve been LIVING life.  my life, i’m sure, is no different than lots of ceo moms around these parts.  i just made that up  – CEO Mom.  kinda catchy, yeah?

well, anyhoo, believe it or not my lady bug is nearly one year old.  in exactly 17 days she will be ONE!!!  just to say those words puts my stomach in knots.  it has been  a miracle of a year.  it was a miracle to even have her enter my world.  so, to make it to this point is an even greater miracle…for me.

her stats:  she weighs about 11.5 lbs.  she is a little peanut.  of course you would not know it because she thinks she can hang with her 7 year old brother.  fortunately, she still fits a lot of her clothes.  unfortunately, her tiny pants sometimes fall right off of her little booty. too funny.

she has a bit of hair, not too much.  she has her dad’s hairline which truly cracks me up.  she looks so much like him all the way down to the hair line which dips back a bit…if you know what i mean.

no teeth yet. but she sure can gum some food.

she can talk (baby talk, of course).  words used most often – num, daaaad, maaa maaaa, ay (when she’s calling her brother), lots of squealing and squeaking.  she can sign language the words more, thank you, eat, yummy.  she blows kisses, if she feels like it. and she blows rasberries more than kisses.

she’s crawling and walking if you hold her hand.  perhaps she’ll go solo by birthday time.  if not, no rush.  really!

her favorite food is homemade oatmeal with smashed bananas and a dash of cinnamon.  her favorite treat – strawberries!

she has a smile that can brighten your entire world.  and yes, i’m very biased, but it IS true. tee hee

her favorite toy is sophie the giraffe – a total retro toy.

she has found the rhythm to music and dances like no one is watching.  she thinks she can snap her fingers like the big people around her.  she rubs her pointer finger and thumb together  and kicks her feet.  this. is. quite. a. sight. to. see. (i hope she never loses these little personal moments of joy)

she sleeps through the nights.

she is still nursing. and she drinks her water from a sippy cup, big girl style.  oh yeah, she thinks bottles and nuks are toys.  so, buying those were a waste of money.

she can read and is potty trained…ok, i’m just kidding.  tee hee.

her favorite person in the whole wide world is myles.  she lights up when he enters the room and looks for him when he leaves the room.  this truly makes me happy.  i thought their 7 year age gap would make them so unable to relate to each other.  SHE COULDN’T HAVE COME AT A BETTER TIME!

she grabbed myles’ hand while he was sleeping

on another note…i am in so much trouble.  i was so convinced that i would have her pictures taken each month.  i mean, really, why wouldn’t i take her for a monthly snap shot?  we did it for myles and ooops, genesis only got maybe three months worth.  sigh.  anyhoo, through a friend, we found one of the most patient and best photographers in these here parts. i’m in desparate need of visiting her, but i always seem to run out of time in the days, weeks months.  ugh!!! i’ve got to get back there asap.  so, note to andre’, no travel for at least a few weeks. okay? thanks. WE. NEED. PICTURES. NOW. tee hee.  anyhoo, julie, the photographer/baby whisperer can be found here and she put a little post about my lady bug here. (for those of you who clicked the link already…she’s good, huh? )

 Aundrea-Claire Genesis (true meaning of her name:  strong-bright beginning)

inhaling her most favorite treat!

this is all the quick and dirty of what’s going on.  i’ve blown the dust off of this here keyboard and now i’m ready to write.

see ya:) peace in the middle east. rain in spain.

take care